経口補水液素人 突貫工事 とっかんこうじ tokkankōji Nihongo Master

顔が見える突貫工事-突貫工事, とっかんこうじ, tokkankōji Nihongo MasterOn'Yomi: カン. Kun'Yomi: つらぬ.く, ぬ.く, ぬき. Learn more. 突 JLPT 3. 8 strokes. stab, protruding, thrusting, thrust, pierce, prick. On'Yomi: トツ, カ. 突貫作業, とっかんさぎょう, tokkansagyō Nihongo MasterParts of speech: noun (common) (futsuumeishi); Meaning: rush work; crash program; working on a crash basis; working at top speed; Example sentence: 突貫作業…… Meaning of 突貫工事 in Japanese RomajiDesu突貫 工事. Words. Definition of 突貫工事. とっかんこうじ ( tokkankouji ) 【 突貫工事 】. 突貫工事 Kanji. (n) construction at top speed. ⇪. RomajiDesu Mobile…… -単行本専門図書館-

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